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Translating Brand Promises into Employee Behaviours

Too often organisations put a lot of energy into communicating the brand externally, only to fall short on connecting employees to their role in keeping brand promises. And when employees aren’t connected to these promises, they tend to be:

Less proactive - Employees need to hear the same messages inside the company as they do outside the company. When employees get mixed messages from leaders, it’s easy for them to wonder what is really important to the company. This confusion over the company’s priorities can make employees much less proactive.

Act inconsistently - When employees don’t understand what the brand is or how they should keep its promises with customers, they may end up working at cross purposes with the customer experience that the organization is trying to deliver.

Care less about their work - If employees believe in and care about the brand, they will work harder to align their behaviors with it. However, if a company doesn’t invest in connecting employees to its brand, they will often become dispirited because they know they cannot keep those external promises and could alienate customers.

Qualtrics Employee Experience Management Software's resource Translating Brand Promises into Employee Behaviours describes three steps companies can use to address these issues:

  1. Make promises
  2. Embrace promises
  3. Keep promises

To illustrate this approach, Qualtrics shares over 20 examples of best practices from companies. We’ve even included a Compelling Brand Promises Assessment Template to help you evaluate how well your organisation follows this approach.


Photo courtesy:  Stock Photo Secrets

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