Creating the Workplace of the Future 

Free Interactive Online Event
March 14 - 15, 2023

Jose Maria Barrero

Assistant Professor of Finance Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) Business School

Jose Maria Barrero is an applied economist with interests in finance, macro, and labor, and currently an Assistant Professor of Finance at ITAM. He studies how businesses forecast the future, and how they make decisions and adapt to uncertainty, real options, and a shifting economic environment. He is also a co-founder of WFH Research, a project that studies the shift to working from home and its implications for businesses, managers, and workers in the United States and around the world. He has a BA in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania and a PhD in Economics from Stanford University.

Day Two

11:30 AM It’s About Accessibility, Not Presence. Looking Beyond The 3:2 & Towards The “Hybrid At Will” Model.

According to ADP’s recent “People at Work 2022: A Global Workforce View”, 64% of the workforce would consider looking for a new job if they were required to return to the office full time with more than half willing to take a pay cut. 

Despite remote working being largely beneficial, remote workers are at risk of feeling lonely, isolated & disconnected which in turn can create high staff turnover and low productivity. Furthermore, the business needs to balance the expectations of the employee with the need to have in-person contact to deliver outcomes which technology cannot replace such as innovation and creation.

How can you create a hybrid model which successfully promotes trust, choice and productivity?

  • How can you apply agile principles to a hybrid team to change the business mindset from task driven to outcome based? Can this help leadership trust a hybrid approach and create a flexible working environment for your workforce?

  • Are smaller satellite offices the future to reduce company costs and the ecological footprint – does the office become an escape from digital overload encouraging free movement? 

  • What initiatives can you implement to ensure that remote works are recognised, socially included and rewarded equally to those who choose to come into the office?