Karla Samdahl

Global Head of Executive Talent Acquisition, Talent Hub, and Talent Trends Cisco Systems

Day One: Wednesday, March 25, 2020

11:35 AM Innovating a Culture of Trust from Day One: Marketing the Employee Experience to Attract Qualified Candidates

Successful companies have learned that treating candidates as customers and investing resources in brand advertising, also shapes a connection with prospective applicants. Employer branding is the first plan you need to perfect before starting a recruitment drive, to define and communicate what your organization stands for, and what sets your company apart as you compete for resources in a limited talent pool. In this session Karla Samdahl will discuss how they build that culture through multiple initiatives that allow employees bring their whole selves to the workplace. Topics include:

  • Building an engaging website with effective SEO/SEM to attract qualified candidates
  • Mobile recruitment optimization to create a seamless experience to a wider pool
  • Developing effective communication to convey brand value

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Karla.

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