About the Wiley Education Benefits Platform
Wiley is a global leader in delivering technology-enabled talent development solutions. Our education services connect colleges, universities and employers to solve key challenges related to attracting, developing and retaining the best talent. Currently, Wiley Education Services supports over 900 employers and tens of thousands of learners each year through its enterprise learning programs.
The Wiley Education Benefits Platform (EBP) is an exciting new offering that allows employers to offer tuition assistance and other education-related benefits designed specifically for the needs of the business and their workforce. Through one single intuitive portal, employees can access hundreds of curated academic and certification programs that fall within the employer’s policy - and design their own education plans based around available benefits. Behind the portal there is guidance and coaching for employees along their journey, and a suite of dedicated client services for the employer that ensure successful outcomes.
The overall result with EBP is a program that is strategic to the business, aligned with talent strategy, and designed to meet the specific skills employers need today and tomorrow. To learn more about EBP, set up a meeting with us at the event or visit our website at educationbenefits.wiley.com.