HR Exchange Network

10 Tips for Better Appraisal Evaluations

Benjamin Donkor | 12/07/2010

The chief goal of the employee performance appraisal evaluation is to improve performance, progressively ensuring that employees make significant contributions to organizational growth. It is therefore important that both the employee and the evaluator know exactly what is expected in the appraisal exercise. Here are some tips:

1. Appraisal evaluation is achieved through an open two-way communication between an evaluator and employee.

2. Performance indicators are the main element of the performance appraisal. These indicators are selected with realistic expectations in mind. Rating of employees’ performance is expected to be done with accuracy and fairness.

3. It is a critical requirement that the evaluators understand total organizational performance before conducting any objective employee appraisal. In the same vein, the evaluator must understand the employee’s job description and job requirements.

4. When an employee is hired, and before work assignment starts, the evaluator must meet with the employee and explain clearly all job expectations. With practical illustrations, have responsibility for describing all results expected from an employee in the job area. Results must be attainable and measurable.

5. Take for example a job description that expects that an office Cleaner cleans the office premises. "Clean office premises" is vague and may not describe quality of cleaning expected. For example: how many times will office glass windows be cleaned in a day (in rainy and dry seasons, respectively) knowing that the frequency and quality of cleaning may differ due to prevailing weather conditions.

6. The evaluator must explain to the employee the measurable standards behind the performance and even place quantitative and financial values on results. Employee should understand financial implication as a result of non-performance.

7. The evaluator should always ask: How best can I explain the job assignment to an employee? Note that in the employee’s performance of duty, the evaluator shall not assume that the employee understood any given assignment. Assumptions don’t work in performance matters.

8. Employees who receive clearly defined assignments will perform well on the job compared to those who do not. It is vital for evaluators to insist on the need for the employee to write down assignment instructions and repeat same in the presence of evaluators before performing the assignment. Error levels are minimal.

9. Evaluators should always ensure that employees have writing material to write assigned instructions. This is a sure way to perform the assigned job to meet the set target.

10. Evaluators must give regular feedback about employees’ performance. Your subordinates need to know if they are performing or otherwise. Evaluators are expected to provide feedback that has positive impact. Feedback and feedback tips are available in the HR departments of many organizations.

To ensure good performance in organizations, evaluators must inspect what they expect in performance. Assessing progress of the job assigned on a regular basis helps save cost in non-performance situations.


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