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3 Tips for Defining Recruitment Goals of Your Organization

Ashehad Faizy | 05/27/2011

An effective organization depends on its people. It is often said that the best organization thrives when talented people are hired and allowed to do the job in their own way. Good hires are always winners for the department and the larger organization. They require less time in training, less supervision and tend to be greatly motivated. Getting the right people with the right skills will lead the organization on a path of profitability. To do so, an effective recruitment and hiring goal needs to be set and followed.

To outline viable and effective recruitment strategies and goals, you must first know what you want and then define the objectives. With recruiting it’s important to have goals and contingencies that are realistic and practical. We should be able to implement these goals and, if ineffective, put in contingencies. The starting phase involves understanding your unique requirements – if they are short term or long term, time-based, cost-based, within legal frame work, should consider minority representation, etc. Once these are clear, a track should be made which can be measured numerically. This track should be created with specific time limits and will serve as a benchmark for consecutive revisions and changes as we go along. There should be a constant challenge to get the best, and no settling for the second best.

Most organizations these days do not implement or follow a good hiring system. Even though there are clear policies and procedures defined, many organizations feel that going through HR takes time and that HR does not consider the opinions of the departments. Most departments try to hire by themselves, which can lead to nepotism. Overshooting the budget, settling to please others, turf wars, etc., are some of the issues faced by recruiters today. If there is no specific hiring system currently in place, the below points could be your beginners' guide to establishing one:

Three tips for effectively defining the overall recruitment and hiring goals

1) Job Evaluation / Analysis: Take some time to evaluate the current vacancies or all the positions in your organization. This will give you an idea of what makes a job unique in its requirements. This will also give a perspective on job descriptions, hiring materials required, type of hire, performance checklists, training needs that could arise, organization plan, etc.
2) Review the organizational structure: Try to have a bird’s eye view of the organization. Map out who is who, and what they do. Since you conducted the evaluation/analysis, this will provide a better understanding of why they are there and what they are supposed to do. You will also understand and question the new unique requirements. Are they really needed for the organization at this time?

3) Communicate: Decide who does what and when in relation to the departments, hiring managers, etc. to make sure that each one is accountable for their end. Invoke participation at all levels to make sure that the process can be as transparent as possible.

Revisit the process once a year to make sure that its going according to the set plans and objectives, and if there are any concerns you may then adapt and move forward. This way, fewer unqualified candidates will get through and the entire hiring process will become tighter and more reliable.

The key to an effective recruitment strategy is in establishing a system and empowering the people to make timely and needed decisions. Aim to hire individual who think in terms of what is best for the organization and not for themselves, for a team, or for shorter motives.

This intricate process is a not a one man show and requires input and assistance from a lot of counterparts. To get the best out of your recruiting process, use the organization to its full capacity – the people, departments, and sections to develop a team spirit and commitment to hire right, work together, and achieve a common objective.

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