Learning and development didn’t exist at Nuance until Linda Landry, Senior Director of Global Learning and Organizational Effectiveness joined the organization. Since then, Nuance has grown from offering no formalized corporate education with a budget of zero to a full-service corporate university staffed by seven with a significant budget.
Like many organizations, Landry was under the gun to prove value to her top level executives. So when it came to translating results of learning and of Nuance University to show the return on investment, Landry and her team had to illustrate where their dollars were being absorbed and where they were being defrayed.
In this podcast, Landry discusses with Human Resources IQ, best practices for:
1. Demonstrating your overall value to the business
2. Keeping your funding and even increasing your allocated budget
3. Running a cost effective business aligned with business goals
4. Improving your metrics programming so that it aligns with what executives care about, and upgrading processes for maximum effectiveness.
Editor’s Note: Nuance University was the 2009 IQPC CUBIC Award Runner Up for Corporate University Leader of the Year
Translating Results to ROI & Learning Effectiveness
Katherine Mehr | 06/21/2010