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How CHROs Deliver Business Impact

Talent. Everyone knows that it can give your organization a competitive edge. But whose job is it? Does it belong to the CEO? Or to HR? The answer is both. The responsibility for talent is not a chicken-or-egg question of who comes first. Instead, it is a carefully choreographed dance in which the C-suite and HR are partners in developing talent excellence and business success.

Great business leaders believe in the ability of HR to transform an organization. Between 2008 and 2010, the number of all companies with a dedicated talent executive increased from 21 percent to 30 percent. Even with that growth, only 17 percent of companies with fewer than 1,000 employees have a chief HR officer.

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25th Annual Shared Services & Outsourcing Week Europe 2025

May 19 - 23, 2025
Estoril Congress Center, Estoril, Portugal
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