From the HRIQ Editorial Staff | 09/11/2015
When you picture a company that has been around since 1876, software and telecommunication organizations are not typically the first that come to mind. Ericsson is a global leader that is present in over 180 countries and employees over 110,000. On the outside looking in, many people may not see the struggles that a global enterprise can face.
The Chief Learning Officer and Vice President of Learning & Development, Brad Samargya with Ericsson said that "one of the big challenges for most corporations today is: business is global." Throughout Ericsson, people work in similar positions across numerous countries and leadership is making sure to teach "the Ericsson way" to every employee in order to keep the company culture constant.
Samargya is also focusing on "leveraging technology to create a global team that feels like they are part of something" by scheduling more presentations between global teams to communicate via video conference. Each team feels equally involved in the business strategy and that they are part of something bigger. Having that global culture is important to any organization and Ericsson continues to create a strong learning organization from the top down.
To hear more about how Ericsson is developing a learning culture and how they continue to compete across the globe, watch the full interview here:
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