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Top Articles for November 2018

November was full of informative content for the HR professional.  A fair amount of it, focused on talent.  From talent acquisition to onboarding to coaching cultures, here are five articles that transformed the information landscape in November.

  1. The Rise Of AI In HR: Nine Notable Developments That Wil Impact Recruiting And Hiring

Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are continuing their respective courses through the heart of HR.  In one of their articles on the topic last month, Forbes asked their Human Resources Council about the technologies’ impact on human resources, specifically in the areas of recruiting and hiring.  Responses included more accurate candidate marketing, proactive candidate selection and accelerated times-to-hire.  Read the entire article here.

  1. Talent Acquisition in the Digital Age

Talent acquisition is changing, and HR must change with it. In the process, Talent Acquisition costs have jumped by 26% over the last few years according to Gartner.  How does HR respond to the shifting balance of power as it moves away from the employer to the candidate?  Our editor, Mason Stevenson, and HR Exchange Network columnist John Whitaker takes a deep dive into the topic and answers that question by looking at that new research from Gartner and discussing the “Look Down” generation.  For more, click here.

  1. Onboarding Essentials

Onboarding is a normal occurrence at every company, but not every company does it well.  The employee orientation process is essential because it can make or break the retention strategy.  So, how does it go from “run-of-the-mill” to exceptional?  HR Exchange Network editor Mason Stevenson explains what makes up the onboarding essentials and how that leads to a successful retention program.  Read the article in its entirety here.

  1. How do today’s workplaces need to change to meet the future?

The workplace is changing.  Every HR professional knows the statement is true.  In his latest piece for USA Today, human resources expert Johnny C. Taylor Jr. discusses what is contributing to the change.  He also critiques the workplaces of today and explains what changes need to happen so that they can become the workplaces of the future.  To read his thoughts, click here.

  1. Why Building a Coaching Culture Should be a Strategic Imperative—Now!

Is building a coaching culture for your enterprise a strategic priority for your organization in 2019, or does it fall further down the list in the “nice to do someday” category? If building a coaching culture isn’t at the top of your priority list, Cylient CEO and HR Exchange Network contributor Dianna Anderson thinks it should be.  To see her reasons why, click here.

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