Employee Engagement that Strengthens Performance

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For many HR professionals, one of the chief challenges; one that is experienced daily is strengthening employee performance.  There are many ways this issue can be met and mitigated, but there is one that outshines all others.  It’s a strategy that doesn’t just impact the individual, but also the entire workforce.  It also positively affects the culture of the working environment and excites employees to not only work harder, but take ownership of the company’s destiny.

That strategy is employee engagement.


Employee Engagement

Employee engagement needs are not lost on HR professionals today.  According to a Harvard Business report, 71 percent rank employee engagement as very important to achieving overall organisational success.  That same report also reports, however, 24 percent of the employees in their organisations are highly engaged.  That leaves a lot of room for improvement.

What to know more?  Register for this FREE webinar:  How to Get Employees Engaged Faster to Perform

With that data in mind, it’s important for those professionals working in the human resources space take a step back and consider what drives employee engagement.  The same report referenced above mentions five specifically.

  • Developmental opportunities for employees on both the personal and professional level
  • Corporate goals are outlined and understood
  • Business goals are aligned with assessments and performance reviews
  • Work is recognised
  • How work positively impacts the organization as a whole

The difficulty in employee engagement is the reality that each of these five drivers are rated differently by the employee.  That’s why HR has to focus and balance all five.  Doing so can strengthen employee performance.  If done correctly, companies with engaged employees will out-perform other companies to the tune of 202 percent!

Happy Employees DO NOT Drive Performance - Engagement Drives Performance

In the human resources space, there is an idea that happiness drives employee performance.  In fact, happiness is sometimes considered to be the same as employee engagement.  That is not the case.  Happiness, while important, does not drive performance in the same way employee engagement drives performance.  Red Branch Media CEO Maren Hogan said it best.

“[Employee happiness] doesn’t mean much. There’s no proof that happy employees will do anything great for your company. While I don’t want to deny employees’ happiness, I’d rather have engaged employees. Those are the people who drive the numbers up – people who are passionate and maybe even a little frustrated when change doesn’t occur.”

Companies who invest in employee engagement will see an increase in performance.  That’s the bottom-line that helps the bottom-line.

How to Get Employees Engaged Faster to Perform

“A superior employee experience is the sum of all interactions your employees have with the company. It involves the culture, benefits, physical work environment, and the tools you provide. If just one component is wrong HR leaders jeopardise the entire experience they deliver - which can have an adverse impact on revenue, productivity, culture, and much more.”

It’s for these reasons Steve Bennetts with Qualtrics says delivering an exceptional employee experience is a top priority for many companies.  The same is true when applying a strategy that engages the company’s best talent, especially where the endgame is to achieve the highest performance from these workers possible.

Qualtrics’ latest webinar entitled “How to Get Employees Engaged Faster to Perform” puts the focus on employees and keeping them engaged to their fullest potential.  The webinar, scheduled for 22 October at 11:30a SGT, addresses what companies can do when it comes to issues such as early attrition, disengaged employees and low morale.

Benefits of attending this presentation include:

  • Learning the framework for building an employee experience (EX) management program
  • Learning practical tips for organisations at different levels of maturity
  • Learning discoveries from our recent research on EX and what employees want

The webinar is free-to-attend.  Register here!


NEXT:  How To Improve Your Employee Experience with Employee Personas


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