Top 5 HR Stories of 2024
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The theme of HR stories in 2024 was transformation. The rapid pace of change because of advanced technologies, an ongoing recovery from a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, and geopolitical upheaval was nothing short of overwhelming for most.
Yet, upon assessing the most read stories on HR Exchange Network in 2024, one must recognize that some things simply never change. Different generations continue to misunderstand each other. Empowering labor and focusing on wellness also remain among top priorities. Discover the most popular stories of the year:
1. Stereotypes about Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen X
This article about how different generations at work are misunderstood is the most popular on the site. People are seeking to learn how they are misjudging colleagues, ways they can better collaborate and how to leverage differences for better business outcomes. While everyone is an individual, many people have a certain perception about those from a different generation and learning from the source - rather than making assumptions - is helpful.
2. Pros and Cons of Labor Unions
Readers of HR Exchange Network have been drawn to this article for years. Human Resources professionals must deftly navigate labor unions and their initiatives and negotiations. Any additional information about how they operate, their intent, or priorities can help HR strategize and improve relationships.
3. Is Gen Z Lazy?
The provocative headline, along with details about the pre-conceived notions regarding the youngest generation joining the workforce makes this a popular choice. Much like the article about stereotypes of the generations, this subject resonates because people are trying to figure out and relate to youth. At the same time, young people are trying to fit in at work and make their mark. They don't like these labels, and this article gives people a chance to have genuine and important discussions about how to best work together.
READ: Is Gen Z Lazy?
4. 8 HR Trends for 2024
Even one year later, this article is getting attention. Perhaps, people are reflecting on the year that was and predicting about the year that will be. Hello 2025! As HR professionals welcome a new dawn, they are considering whether the following will remain part of the discussion and transformation of the workplace:
- Hidden workforce
- Prioritizing of data privacy of employees
- Integrating AI into HR
- Adapting to new workforce demographics
- Rebranding HR as people and culture
- More comprehensive DEI initiatives
- Forward-looking hiring strategies
- DEI and constructive arguments
Some of these trends held up better than others. A new year, however, means it is time for a new list. Check out the 2025 HR trends to compare, contrast, and imagine the future.
READ: 8 HR Trends for 2024
5. What Is Mental Health and Wellness in HR?
Since the pandemic, businesses have recognized how important the wellness of their workers is to their success. An exhausted, distracted, or sick workforce can't produce positive business outcomes. Also, HR professionals themselves are feeling stress, and everyone is trying to avoid burnout. In this guide, HR leaders can get a solid definition of wellness at the workplace, while also learning about how wellness impacts the bottom line.
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