HR LinkedIn Groups – Top 10 to Join
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Say what you will about social media, it has been successful at bringing likeminded people together… something it has been doing since the early days of Facebook and Twitter. It has provided everyone a chance to belong. From a professional perspective, social media has allowed people working in similar job functions a chance to network, share ideas and, through that sharing, collectively move the needle of change in their respective industry. Human Resources is no different.
Of course, there is a lot of noise out there and it can be an overwhelming task to figure out where one should place their time and efforts. One way to do that is to join groups related to one’s function of work. For the HR practitioner, LinkedIn provides thousands of these groups but it is difficult to decide which ones to join.
The HR Exchange Network has created a list of Top 10 HR Groups (plus a bonus one) to join on LinkedIn. We tried to look across the board to see which groups offered real value, but the list is not exhaustive. Feel free to let us know if there are any groups we missed in the comments section below.
Talent Acquisition (TA) is more than just a strategy. It’s about creating a framework that helps an organization hire smarter. In the guide below, the HR Exchange Network explores the topic of TA in more detail. It takes a look at the current state of affairs, strategies, and what talent acquisition leaders should expect in the coming years. Talent Acquisition: HR’s Guide For Finding the Best Talent
HR LinkedIn Groups
The Top 10
Current Membership: 960k+
Description: One of the largest groups on LinkedIn, Linked: HR is open to any HR professional. It provides a forum to discuss all facets of the HR space including diversity and inclusion, compliance, recruiting and retention.
Current Membership: 198k+
Description: This group is open to SHRM members only as it is the official group of the association. It continues the core mission of SHRM. The description for the group says it is “the voice of all things work, workers and workplace.”
Current Membership: 510k+
Description: If you are an HR professional or talent management leader, you should join this group. It provides its members with the latest headlines in the space. The group is also full of analysis and opinions around the current trends.
Current Membership: 80k+
Description: In this group, HR professionals are able to connect with other practitioners in the space. It provides an open forum for members to share, discuss and network with one another. It also keeps members apprised of the latest trends.
Current Membership: 60k+
Description: Members of this group are all about HR technology and talent management software. Topics discussed range from blockchain to cloud computing and more. It provides HR technology professionals a chance to network and share ideas.
Current Membership: 62k+
Description: This group describes itself as “dedicated to those involved in corporate health wellness, corporate fitness and nutrition, population health management, worksite wellness, and medical wellness.” It is open to any HR professional especially those with functions in corporate health and wellness.
Current Membership: 48k+
Description: This group is open to HR professionals and business leaders. It’s run by The New York Times and Forbes columnist Kevin Kruse. Much of the conversation focuses on news and trends related to leadership, talent management, employee engagement, diversity and inclusion and employee communication.
Current Membership: 38k+
Description: This group is open to any HR professional looking to network with other HR professionals. In addition to HR, it focuses on talent management, recruitment and more. Members are able to share ideas, best practices, valuable insights and resources.
Current Membership: 19k+
Description: For those HR professionals interested in managing all aspects of talent, this is the group for you. It discusses the latest industry trends along with solutions to help manage the whole employee life cycle.
Current Membership: 3k+
Description: This group is open to all HR professionals interested in talent, culture and HR technology. Topics of discussion focus on technology and how it empowers the workforce, employer branding, retention and talent acquisition.
BONUS: Human Resources (HR) Exchange Network – HREN
Current Membership: 124k+
Description: The HR Exchange Network maintains this group. It is dedicated to HR professionals seeking a place to discuss the latest trends and challenges affecting the ever-evolving workplace. Group discussions cover a range of topics including talent management, learning and development, HR technology, performance measurement, leadership, talent acquisition, HR metrics & operations.
As stated in the beginning, this list is not exhaustive. There are any number of groups HR professionals can join. Remember, joining a group is not a challenging decision, but it is important to consider the focus of the group and how you see yourself contributing to its narrative. If you feel we have left an important group off the list, please let us know in the comment section below.
NEXT: Twitter Top 10 – Workplace Culture Influencers You Need to Follow
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