7 People Analytics Experts HR Professionals Should Follow
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People analytics and data science in general can be a bit confusing if you’ve not dedicated a good amount of study to it. Part of figuring anything complex out is surrounding yourself with people who can help you understand it better, but short of having a data science expert on hand, HR professionals will have to turn to analytics SMEs on social media for advice and a steady stream of relevant people analytics commentary.
With that in mind, here are some to keep an eye, be it on Twitter or LinkedIn.
The founder of AIHR academy, van Vulpen is active on LinkedIn and as a speaker at conferences around the world. The academy works to help HR professionals understand how people analytics can be applied to their organizations. You can also follow him on Twitter.
A Senior Manager of People Analytics Operations at Uber, Rosenow often writes articles on the topic via Medium and LinkedIn. He’s a valuable source of information on all things data science and workforce planning. You can also follow him on Twitter.
A people analytics leader and Digital HR expert, Azzam wsa considered an HR Tech influencer in 2019. He’s a regular speaker and now works for the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) as a Global Facilitator and Consultant. Follow him on Twitter.
Regularly publishing articles and speaking at events, Green is a people analytics evangelist of sorts who also hosts the Digital HR Leaders podcast. He serves as the Executive Director of Insight222, a networking, consulting and learning business that focuses on people analytics. You can also follow him on Twitter.
A regular contributor to the HR Exchange Network, Johnson works as VP of Enterprise Surveys and Analytics at Perceptyx. She’s also a member of the Forbes Human Resources Council and is a regular speaker at HR conferences.
A people analytics expert and researcher for Visier, Martin is an occasional author of articles and speaker at events. She’s a wealth of knowledge and shares a great deal of useful content on her channels be it LinkedIn or Twitter.
A data science expert and analytics leader for McKinsey & Company, McNulty regularly shares a variety of content, from data visualizations to articles and updates on data tools. He’s a wealth of knowledge on mathematics, R programming language and analytics and regularly shares insights on his blog. You can also follow him on Twitter.