Nationalisation Trends in the Middle East
Nationalisation through emiratization is more than a policy to encourage the employment of national leaders in the private sector. With the unparalleled “youth bulge,” organizations are discovering that national leadership coaching is needed to transition youth from lads to leaders. Additionally, developing visionary leadership for emiratization means these organizations cannot afford to think small. So, all across the GCC, organizations that are committed to emiratization must set their target on using national leadership coaching to develop the best national leaders possible, in the shortest period of time.
In this Webinar on Nationalisation Trends for The Development of National Leaders you will learn:
- Why Nationalisation through emiratization is needed
- The goal of Nationalisation and the Development of National Leaders
- How Nationalisation through emiratization and the development and retention of National Leaders affects the community
- The strategic concerns of Nationalisation and Emiratization
- The relationship of Nationalisation to:
- National Education
- National Society
- National Businesses
- National Economic Development