Mike Camp
Inspired Influence
August 27 by Mike CampI believe Hamlet said it best, "To thine own self be true." These simple words keep us protected from the negative peer pressure we sometimes feel, while at the same time allow us to influence othe...
The Power of Your Words
August 09 by Mike CampHow often have you been ashamed or embarrassed by the words you chose during a situation? Maybe you were speaking with friends, co-workers, or even family members. If you look back, most of these i...
Making Mistakes is the Easy Part
May 23 by Mike CampWhen we think about the many mistakes we have made throughout our lives, it becomes easy to dwell on them. Dwelling (or "reflecting") on mistakes is a method to analyze what you did wrong and how y...
Leading and Living with Integrity
April 19 by Mike CampSomeone can easily say they are "leading with integrity," but the challenge lies in actually following through. The majority of us have had importance of being honest instilled since we were childr...
Being a Leader and Mentor
March 26 by Mike CampMost people will experience a role as a leader in some form or fashion at one point in their lifetime. This initial leadership role can begin at home, school, or in the workplace. The common respo...
Imitation of Leadership
January 13 by Mike CampI always enjoy finding situations in my personal life where a teachable moment can be translated into leadership lessons I can share with those around me. The other day I was working in my garage on...
It's Not Always Good to Answer Every Question
December 13 by Mike CampMost of us have been in a classroom or meeting with people who think they know everything and tend to talk more than others. Some people view this type person as outgoing or confident, and may even co...
Are You a Great Leader? Happy National Boss's Day!
October 17 by Mike CampI recently read something interesting about the creation of National Boss’s Day that I wanted to share. Patricia Bays Haroski had a great boss who also happened to be her father. She wanted...
Leading Up -- The Risk Worth Taking That May Save Your Career
September 30 by Mike CampI have witnessed many people in my career who were courageous enough by leading up instead of just leading those who report to them. It takes a strong leader to take the steps required for leading...
Communication Is Key!
August 19 by Mike CampI was reminded recently about the importance of how we communicate and how others may perceive the way we say things. So often we communicate to those around us thinking our message will be deliver...