Peter Alkema
HR Tech to Support your Recruiting & Staffing Pipeline
February 22 by Alexandra GuadagnoJoin Steve Boese, Michelle T. Johnson & Peter Alkema in this edition of HR Today
Editor's Insights: HR Tech to Support Your Recruiting Pipeline
February 08 by Alexandra GuadagnoSocial networking and e-recruiting are already methods that many businesses integrate into their staffing operations today. This will only increase as technology advances and recruiting professional...
Delivering HR Technology on Mobile Devices
July 19 by Peter AlkemaIt's virtually guaranteed that your employees can already surf the internet, chat with their friends, network on social media or do their banking on their mobile phones. So why do they have to log o...
User Friendly HR Technology
May 29 by Peter AlkemaHR self-service systems that are used by employees in large organizations need to be intuitive and user-friendly. This is because employees won’t be using them enough to build up sufficient sk...
Achieving Automation with HR Technology
May 14 by Peter AlkemaIn previous articles, we looked at the five-pillar framework for how technology can support customer centric HR Shared Services. Mobile technology has also become a key enabler of new and convenient...
HR Technology in Layman's Terms—Pillar #4: Self-Service
February 10 by Peter AlkemaThe last installment in our series on the five pillars of HR service delivery covers the technology that delivers self-service transactions and information to its users. Without self-service systems i...
HR Technology in Layman's Terms—Pillar #5: Case Management
December 21 by Peter AlkemaWe are busy discussing each pillar of the HR Technology service delivery model to understand how a shared services environment can deliver better customer service with greater efficiencies by leveragi...
HR Technology in Layman's Terms—Pillar #3: Acquisition
October 20 by Peter AlkemaThe previous article discussed portals and the knowledge base in layman's terms to convey the role they play in the five-pillar service delivery model. Previously we have summarized this model and the...
HR Technology-- In Layman's Terms
August 04 by Peter AlkemaThe first two articles in this column discussed the technology components that are critical in an HR Shared Services environment. The 5 pillar service delivery model provided an accessible framework...
Making Cent$ of HR Shared Services Technology: Part II
June 28 by Peter AlkemaIn part I, we considered the five-pillar HR service delivery model as a means to focus HR technology investment on customer expectations and group various HR technology offerings within a meaningful...