The State of HR
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The State of HR is in transition.
The days of being merely transactional are extinct and the evolution of the strategic HR department is underway. So, what shape will the future take? Where will the focus lie in order to achieve success?
According to our latest report, the State of HR, 17 percent of HR professionals say the focus should be on company culture. Why? HR continues to grapple with the changes in the workforce defined by the continued retirement of older workers (Baby Boomers and Generation X) and the hiring of more Millennial and Generation Z workers. And these workers want more from their employers than any other generation before them. Not only is there a desire for a strong culture, but also for flexibility and transparency. How does that affect the priorities of HR? What technology will need to be adopted in order to adapt to the needs of the workforce?
The HR Exchange Network editorial team went to the HR community to get answers to these questions. Included within its pages are the results of our latest survey with analysis around its findings. Additionally, HR professionals from Allstate, Allegion, AdventHeatlh and Akebono Brake weigh in on the data and give real life practical advice for creating the HR department of the future.
From this report, readers will:
- Learn about the top HR challenges, priorities and trends heading in to 2020.
- Have access to practical application of the survey’s findings; what does the data mean and how should HR shift its focus.
- Understand why the company culture is so important to the success of the business and how HR professionals believe the goal can be achieved and put in to practice.