How to Build Momentum While the World Slows Down
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I want to open this column with a very important disclaimer. The COVID-19 crisis is terrible and is devastating people lives. We have needed to become one as a community and in doing so, separate. But this is not a column about the crisis, it is a column about our response to the crisis.
There is a very strong analogy between how a virus reacts inside our body to how we react to the pandemic as a community. It is not the virus which kills, but the body's own immune response. This pandemic cannot destroy our communities or organizations, but negative and hurtful reactions can.
The new challenges facing us as professionals cannot destroy us, but a failure to deal with them in a healthy way can.
5 F’s to get all A’s
I am choosing to look at this in a much different light. Things are changing very fast and opportunities are being created. This pandemic will pass and when it does a recovery is sure to follow. Are you ready for that recovery? Do you know who you are and where you want to go? I cover this in more detail on my YouTube channel, but here are some helpful tips to build momentum while the world slows down:
Your foundation is key during this period. If you are working from home, that is a priority. Make sure you have one calendar and keep it organized and up to date. Find a space where you can be effective. Some people prefer the calm of a sunlit desk in front of a window while others need the solitude of a distraction free space. Find a place where you can create your foundation, and be effective!
Now is a great time to think about the future. Where will you be and how will you impact the world when this is over? Will you return to a traditional brick and mortar career or enter the gig economy and help others? Sharpening your focus will help you create a plan for each day and make sure that you remain true to your values.
Network, network, network. This is a point that I cannot stress highly enough. Dust off your LinkedIn profile and connect with your network. Are there old friends who you have missed or just lost touch with? Is there something you can do to add value to their day? Are they hurting and need comfort? My standard disclaimer about being a net giver and not becoming a net taker applies here.
Now that you are most likely working from home, take time to reconnect with your family. Take some time to build legos, make bath bombs and sit on the floor and play a board game. You can't help others through this crisis if you're not in a good place yourself. Spending time with family can help you recharge your batteries and avoid feeling like work is taking over your life.
Everyone needs some self-care and this is a great time to explore some new hobbies or learn a new skill. We always say we don't have time, we're too busy. If this situation has given us anything, it's more time to focus on whatever we choose. Don't let that opportunity slip through your fingers.
I want to close by letting everyone know that I am here to help. I have been blessed in my career by many people who have helped and guided me, and I want to give that back. I have some spots available in my next coaching cycle and for a limited time, I am offering a discounted rate. Please do not hesitate to reach out and we can walk through this together.