This Week in HR: Sept. 1, 2017

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HREN Staff
HREN Staff

This Week in HR is a weekly round-up of news and information relevant to Human Resources professionals. We try to dig a little deeper than the rest. If you have something we should include, please email our editor:

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics released its Employment Situation Summary today, and the numbers for August are lower than expected.

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, in place since 2012, allows people who arrived in the U.S. as undocumented immigrant children to avoid deportation and to obtain two-year renewable work authorizations. President Donald Trump is reportedly close to a decision on whether to rescind DACA, which could leave thousands in legal limbo. NPR’s Marketplace looks at what could happen to workers and employers if President Trump ends DACA.

The U.S. Office of Management and Budget informed the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) that it is reviewing the effectiveness of the pay data collection aspects of the EEO-1 form.

A federal judge ruled that the Obama administration's overtime rule is "invalid," completing what may prove to be the final step in the rule's slow demise. The ruling wasn't totally unexpected, but could have implications for DOL's ability to regulate in the future. HR Dive has some insights on the situation.

For HR professionals dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) offers several weather disaster resources including information about how to communicate with employees and overtime pay, leaves of absence and timekeeping. HR Bartender has a list of resources that may be helpful.

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