Engaging Your Audience Through Presentation and Delivery

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Katherine Mehr
Katherine Mehr

Presentation design is a way of life in government. Government in particular, has earned a reputation of a serial abuser of PowerPoint. Government entities are notorious for assembling these monstrous slide decks that seem to tune out observers.

According to David Uejio, Special Assistant to the Director, Office of Human Resources, National Institutes of Health, the major pitfall is information saturation. Uejio said, we live in a world characterized by excessive information and too often our presentation design tends to reflect that. Too much information, too little story leads to distraction, disengagement and that is absolutely death for your ability to communicate.

In a knowledge environment, like government, good analysis is not the end. It’s the beginning. There’s a lot of benefit of doing this skill well. Clear communication will help you cut through all the noise that’s out there and allow you to connect with your audience. If you capture the people’s attention, you can engage them in a real visceral way. In government, this is absolutely fundamental for your success.

Join Uejio as he discusses with Human Resources IQ, best practices for engaging your audience through presentation. Uejio will be speaking at Govloop.com’s Next Generation of Government Summit, taking place July 6 & 7th in Arlington, Va.