Culture Trends for 2020

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Culture is a nebulous concept, but it’s a top priority for nearly every organization right now.  Like everything else in the HR universe, culture is changing and evolving at a high rate of speed.  It’s happening so fast, it’s hard for those in the organization in charge of culture to keep up.

But keep up they must because culture is a business-critical imperative.  When looking to the data, culture-building efforts net a 6 percent increase in engagement, but even so – O.C. Tanner reports 59 percent of employees are still willing to leave their current employer.

So, where does HR begin?

5 Culture Trends for 2020, O.C. Tanner’s latest whitepaper, identifies the key areas where HR should focus its energy in addressing the challenge of culture.  Some of those include burnout, the employee experience and performance management.  Additionally, the whitepaper provides:

  1. The latest data around each trend providing an accurate picture of the modern workplace
  2. Actions HR professionals and teams can take to leverage culture to drive business success
  3. Steps to creating workplaces that help people thrive
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