Why the Learning Culture Drives Business Success

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When it comes to learning, a whole new set of challenges face the HR Department. For the first time in history, the workforce includes four different generations. The unemployment rate is down, but now there are more jobs than there are people to fill those positions.  HR is fighting to find talent and retain their best workers.  At the same time company leadership wants the business to remain successful and profitable. It’s for these reasons developing a learning culture that addresses the needs of the employee while also creating and ensuring business success is critical.

The latest HR Exchange Network report, Why the Learning Culture Drives Business Success, addresses those challenges and more by explaining how to integrate learning into the company’s strategic success, how to drive executive buy-in and ownership of the learning culture, how to increase experiential and reflective learning opportunities, and how to introduce a variety of training modalities to enhance the current learning program.  The report includes key interviews from top experts in the learning field along with applicable, real-life examples of how a robust learning culture support the workforce and the company’s bottom-line.

Mary Andereck with Parkland Health and Hospital System has a great example.

“When I started with Parkland, there was virtually no leadership development whatsoever, but we committed to getting it up and running,” Andereck said.  “Within about nine months, our leadership development curriculum programs for three levels of leadership; for supervisors, managers, for directors and for senior level leaders, were in progress. As we went through this process, we aligned everything around the Parkland competencies.”

Andereck said they did not want leaders simply sitting in a room together for 12 months, which was the length of the program.  Instead, they used their LMS to deliver articles and videos to the leaners.  That content was then used as part of their scheduled workshops.  Those workshops included scenarios where learners role played, took part in group problem solving and used the content to guide the process.  Those workshops, by the way, were assigned in such a way that the content and learning delivered would be applicable to the learners’ job duties.

“Then about three weeks later, we conducted a follow up webinar with people to talk about what worked, what didn't work, what were the best practices,” Andereck said.

The program launched in January of 2017.  It has since expanded to the point where Parkland conducts six workshops a month to meet the demand for the program.

In addition to the examples, readers will have access to the latest research conducted by IQPC Exchange through the CLO Exchange events.  Key data points include:

  • Top areas of investment for CLOs
  • What learning technologies CLOs are investing in right now
  • Priorities of investment for CLOs
  • Trending learning technologies

Why the Learning Culture Drives Business Success now.

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